Angry Birds -  Red Bird

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012


5 (five) gram Egyptian Tea (Roselle) produce the same red water with 15 (fifteen) other gram Rosella. Why must spend a lot of money if only for the same result.
In terms of manner and appearance he was not as beautiful as Common Rosella, but he is far superior in terms of which fragrant smell, which it favors, red goo, vitamins and nutrients which is more complete and fitted so that the acid which does not cause acid reflux.
Because it was so red water produced by the Egyptian Tea Rosella than usual, even a 1: 3 (meaning flower of Egypt at the red tea with 3 (three) ordinary rosella petals when brewed, has been tested by many eyes) Lately there are some distributors who complain and concluded that
"Egyptian Tea dyed with cold water dyes because it is red" (with cold water alone is much less red with hot water yes:))
Those who complain directly we take it to a warehouse where it keeps fresh rosella (new arrivals) that have not sifted, there is shown Rosella calyx, stem pieces Rosella, Rosella seed shells which together with the flowers, some plants that are not elements of Rosella, including dry grass, where the number of all these elements must be removed to achieve 20% of the flowers that have not been in the Egyptian tea sieve.
We then asked if there ... if this Egyptian tea dye dyed why the elements in addition to Egyptian Tea does not go red? Could it be that the flowers are separated first from the elements is then dyed with a dye and then back to the flowers confused Egyptian Tea? too troublesome times ya:)
Each of the petals at the Egyptian Tea near the reins of the white look, what to use a brush dipped one at a time yes to the red dye is not taxable:) the amount present in the warehouse there are dozens of tons, well, if dyed each one of these flowers, when dipped finish it:)
So it is quite impossible once used tea dyed Egyptian coloring.
So if you want to save enough to buy and more nutritious than buying Egyptian Tea 1kg 3kg Other Rosella. Because the result is the same, "except" The taste and aroma that remains unrivaled, as it Rosella African origin of the soil is better suited to the soil than the rosella in other continents, as said by the inventor of the Rosella.

Rosella Organic, certified free of pesticides and chemical health of the Department. Egyptian agriculture. Because the conditions are hot and dry air Rosella Egypt does not need the drying technology in other countries as a condition of the air is humid and often rainy. Egypt does not need the tea drying technology, because it is naturally dried after harvesting. And has been an experience since time immemorial by farmers there for natural drying system. Egyptian tea has advantages and characteristics incomparable flavor with other Rosella Tea. Egyptian tea has a characteristic red thicker and more comfortable dilidah ..... In addition to delicious Egyptian tea is also rich in benefits ... and do not contain side effects such as tea and coffee are usually .... Nice cool drink during the day ... and fit to drink warm morning .... brewed as tea usual way ....

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Do You Know Roselle?

Roselle plants are hawthorn, decoration in almost all tropical regions of the world. That said, Florida Cranberry Rosella origin is from West Africa.
Society at large has known kenaf or roselle (Hibiscus cannabinus) as a fiber-producing plants and bags of hibiscus (Hibiscus rosasinensis). While the red roselle flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa Lynn ), Not so well known.
Red roselle flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa Lynn), known by various names, among others, Jamaican Sorrel (West India), Oseille Rouge (France), Quimbombo Chino (Spain), Carcade (North Africa), and Bisap (Senegal), Vinagreira, Zuring, Carcade, or Citrun acid (Indonesia). In Malay, this plant is known as the Paya Acid, Amino Acid Beetle or fringe.

Roselle trees grown from seeds with a height can reach 3-5 meters and remove flowers almost all year round.

Chemical content of Roselle

Almost all parts, especially the flower petals, seeds, leaves and roots of plants useful as medicines and Roselle health care.
Roselle flower parts which can be processed into food and beverages are petals (Calix) are purplish red, a very sour taste, and has a distinctive aroma.
High content of Vitamin C in roselle petals are able to increase body resistance against various diseases and as an antioxidant.
Roselle petals are also rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, niacin and vitamin D, and contains minerals like Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Iron is very important for the body.
In 100 gr, Roselle flower petals, contain elements, such as the following:
• Calories 49 cal. • 84.5% H2O. • Protein 1.9 g. • Fats 0.1 g. • 12.3 grams of carbs. • Fiber 1.2 g. • Calcium 0.0172 gr. • phospor 0 , 57 gr. • Iron 0.029 gr. • B-karotene 3 gr. • 0.14 g of ascorbic acid. • Abu 6.90 gr. • Thiamine 0.117 mg. • Riboflavin 0.277 mg.

Amino acid content of the roselle flower petals are able to supply the needs of 18 of the 22 types of amino acids in the human body.
Two types of amino acids present in roselle petals are arginie and lysine.

In addition, there are some important compounds, such as a mixture of citric acid and malic acid. The content of ascorbic acid and high betakarotin a source of antioxidants that are effective in counteracting the free radicals.
Another important element is contained in the grossypeptin roselle flower petals, anthocyanins and gluside hibiscin. Besides the red roselle petals also contain organic acids, polysaccharides, and flavonoids.

Benefits of Roselle Flowers

Directly consume petals roselle or other products processed correctly and regularly; well as food, beverage, drug or herbal medicine, to cure various health disorders and disease.
The content of herbs in flower petals Rosella can overcome various kinds of diseases, among them:

• Helps reduce high blood pressure. • Lowering Blood Sugar. • Speeding up the solution of frozen blood in the brain. • Prevent Stroke and Hypertension. • Lowering Uric Acid. • Lowering Cholesterol. • Fat Wreck. • slimming. • Ulcer Healing. • Preventing Cancer, tumors and cysts. • Relieves joint inflammation. • Reduce Stress. • Migraine. • a high fever. • Stimulates appetite. • Gynecology glycosides as an antidote to his wounds. • Improve the system of nerves and improve Memory. • Smooth urinating . • Having elements antipyretic In the lower heat. • Stimulate the formation of lipid and protein that is very useful for Skin Health. • The content of his asiaticosides clarified as antibiotics. • May relieve chronic cough. • Reduce the adverse effects Liquor. • Reduce drug addiction. • Reduce addiction to smoking. • Improves digestion and defecation launched. • Eliminate Hemorrhoids. • neutralizer Toxins in the body. • Helping children since intellect brain in the womb. • Improve Sexual Arousal. • replacement of lost body fluid electrolyte. • As tonicum the refreshing. • Rosella roots that taste bitter, efficacious for enhancing stamina and courage. • Rosella also useful for patients with arteriosclerosis and as an intestinal antiseptic. • Rosella leaves that have been processed into lotion. • Efficacious to accelerate wound healing. • Treat chapped feet . • Speed ​​up the ripening of boils. • Softens the skin (emollient). • Treat intestinal worms (antelmintik). • As an antibacterial. • Destroying kidney stones. • Cough • Weak lust and lethargy. • Bleeding gums. • Skin diseases. • Insect bites. • Treating anemia. • Can reduce the density / viscosity of blood. • Prevent inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys. • neutralizing toxins in the body. • To prevent a deficiency of vitamin C. • Lower levels of alcohol absorption. • Inhibiting spasms (antispasmodics). • conditioning (astringent).
In addition to providing a solution of natural herbal remedies, roselle flower petals can also be processed into food. Roselle flower petals can be treated as Juices, syrups, jam, jelly, sauce, Wines, candy and sweets. Processed 'esence' rosella flower petals can be used as a coloring or aroma cuisine, cakes, toothpaste, candles, cream and syrup.

Young leaves can be eaten as a roselle flower salad. Roselle flower seeds believed to contain certain oils to its roots as a youth and stamina enhancer.

Roselle, expel powerful as Captopril Hypertension

Hibiscus flowers contain iron, vitamin A and C, calcium, and fiber

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 18:17 PM
BY data from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Association, nearly one-third of Americans suffer from hypertension. Hypertension occurs as a small thin tube contains too much water pressure. If continuous pressure, the hose will leak and the hose could be going broke.
The same thing can occur in blood vessels. The pressure is so often or intense would endanger other organs such as kidneys, heart, causing problems that arise stroke, blindness, and others.

To control hypertension, doctors usually recommend changes style life-sports, relaxation, avoid the intake of salt-added treatment. Furthermore, hibiscus tea may be an additional therapy.
It seems that often Hibiscus or we know as hibiscus can lower blood pressure. same as the blood pressure-lowering drugs, also yellow-red flowers are said to be able to open blood vessels wider, lowering blood viscosity and increase urine production so as to reduce the volume of blood.

Hibiscus tea made from Hibiscus sabdariffa flowers, sometimes called Roselle or Karkade. In a study published in Phytomedicine in 2004, the patient drinks a day 10 grams of dried flowers are brewed.
The results show that this tea can control the types of mild to moderate hypertension as effective as Captopril, a drug commonly used to treat hypertension and heart failure.

Hibiscus is also said to work faster. Journal of Ethnopharmacology reported that after 12 days, 31 patients who consume tea Hibiscus average blood pressure decreased by 11.2 percent to 10.7 percent of the systolic and diastolic pressure.
Normally, systolic pressure 120 and diastolic 80, meaning hibiscus tea can lower blood pressure to normal conditions for approximately less than two weeks. How do people with hypertension should use this herb?
Ellen Kamhi, Ph.D., RN and co-author of The Natural Medicine Chest (Evans & Co., 2000) recommends the use of this herb is to alert the doctor while you are using drugs or leave this drug, checking blood pressure every day.
"Ratio and the risks of using herbs in this course are safer and better than medicine. Therefore, try to use it, "said Ellen.

Roselle can overcome breast cancer

Breast cancer is no longer just attacking women over the age of 40 years. Those aged under 30 years are now at risk.

It was raised oncologists, DR Sutjipto Sp.B (K) Onk told reporters on the sidelines of a talk show "Think Smart, Prevent Early - always Care for Breast Cancer", held in Jakarta Breast Health Foundation Cilandak Town Square, South Jakarta Sunday (24/8).
"Today many young breast cancer patients, even some 14-year-old," he said.
He said, according to a report the World Health Organization (World Health Organization - WHO), in 2005 the number of women with breast cancer reached 1.15 million people, 700,000 of whom live in developing countries including Indonesia .

"To my surprise, the disease also attacks those who are under 30 years old. Rarely used, "he said. Regard it, young women should be aware of the disease, let alone to present the cause is not known for certain, but risk factors. According Sutjipto, several factors that include smoking, including passive smoking, alcoholic beverages, and foods high in fat, also gave birth at the age of 30 years.
Symptoms 80 percent marked the onset of breast lumps are not normal discharge redness, eczema that does not heal around the nipple.
Term incubation is not known in the case of breast cancer.

Sutjipto explained that breast cancer is due to changes in normal cells become abnormal, and this went on for years called biomoleuler. "Biomolecular changes in the cell nucleus is not normal to be caused by free radicals substances. When the molecule loses electrons, it would look from normal cells and eventually destroy the normal cells into cancer cells and make it, "he said.

Faster periods should also be aware of the symptoms of breast cancer.
At least it was raised by movie stars Rima Melati, who attended the talk show as nara sources. "Late Menstruation is also one of the symptoms," said the actress whose real name is Lintje Jackson. He said the factor of fast food (instant) was the highest factor.
Admitted with breast cancer at the age of 50 years, Rima Melati said she went to the doctor too late and had to undergo surgical removal in 1990. "I checked when it has reached a high stage, 3B. But first it there is no information at all about this disease, "she said.
Therefore, he strongly encourage young women today have to leave style unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking. consuming alcohol and high fat foods.
This is where we need medical attention early on, and should not be considered trivial later check yet still young. Now words like that that actually makes the cancer is so rampant again regardless of age.

Healthcare is expensive health is important and how important is health to us all. Keep the health before your pain coming period, it was very clear means.
"So, immediately consult a doctor if symptoms develop. More than that, do not get married at the age of 30 years. "too risky"she said.
And there is another invention of red tea (tea Rosella) is said he favored as Anticancer herbs and antihypertensive Among its many properties, red tea (Roselle)tea. This is consistent with pre-clinical trials conducted by Yun Ching Chang, a researcher from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Chung Shan Medical University in Taiwan.
Yun Ching Chang found that the natural pigment from the dried petals Roselle proved effective in inhibiting cancer cell death and at the same HL-60 (blood cancer or leukemia). Pigments jugs this role in the process of apoptosis (suicide) of cancer cells.

Generally, people familiar with the name Rosela, Rosella or Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). From a health standpoint, it Roselle has benefits for disease prevention. According to research Ballitas Malang, roselle flowers, especially of plants that flower valvate thick (juicy), such as the Red Roselle useful for preventing cancer and inflammatory diseases, controlling blood pressure, blood circulation and smooth bowel movements.

Roselle can lose weight

Tea is well known and beneficial to our health. Tea can help to: - Increase the immune system / immune response in the body-Lowering blood sugar levels and cholesterol-Prevent cavities and tooth decay-Slow the aging process, increase blood pressure, prevent arthritis, sharpen the intellect and concentration-Reduce the risk stroke, heart attack, cancer and many more benefits to be derived from tea

Now it's time to feel the benefits of Rosella Tea Red, is not only beneficial for your health but it is able to help tea drinkers lose weight.

Red Rosella tea has remarkable benefits can lose weight safely and certainly with a healthy way. Simply find a tea you love, drink every day, follow a healthy diet, and see the pounds fall off.

In principle Tea can lose weight that comes from the synergy 3 main contents are: caffeine to stimulate, L-theanine to neutralize the harmful effects of caffeine and restrain appetite and EGCC, which you can burn fat faster and more effectively. In other words, reducing appetite and stimulating metabolism.

Do not worry you will not feel hungry to set the correct diet. Maintain your diet while eating a full meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or as another option for the night, eat fruits and vegetables instead of rice. All the delicious food you can still enjoy. With the Red Rosella tea you will become healthier and lose weight with the benefits obtained from every sip that you enjoy.

Rosella Red Tea can maintain good health and will certainly facilitate our life better, slimmer, more energetic and more healthy by drinking tea Rosella Red.

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Osteoporosis: A Disease of Grave Concern by Navodita Maurice

The disease which makes the bone more prone to fractures is known as osteoporosis and the name indicates porous bones. The bone mineral density (BMD) reduces followed by deterioration of micro-architecture of bone and alteration of bone proteins. World Health Organization (WHO) defines that the bone mineral density in osteoporosis is less than 2.5 as measured by DXA. The disease may be classified as primary type 1, primary type 2 or secondary. Primary 1 or postmenopausal osteoporosis is very frequently noticed in women after the menopause. Primary 2 or senile osteoporosis is common after the age of 75 and is observed in both males and females in the ration of 2:1. Secondary osteoporosis can affect both men and women at any age in equal proportion. This disease crops up due to prolonged use of glucocorticoids so also known as glucocoticoid-induced osteoporosis. Lifestyle changes and sometimes medications can reduce the risk of this disease. Lifestyle changes comprise diet, exercise and fall-prevention.

ROSELLE Againts Osteoporosis

If you are lacking calcium intake, smoking and drinking alcohol, less exercise and less exposed to the sun, especially if your height is reduced, so beware. It could be that you have osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by reduced bone mass and bone tissue microarchitecture changes. That result in decreased bone strength and increased bone fragility and risk of osteoporotic fracture of bone. This is often referred to as the silent disease because it does not show clinical symptoms. As if someone who has osteoporosis and sudden nature can lead to the death. Because it's very dangerous, especially in those aged dusk, the choreographer and dancer of classical Javanese, Retno Maruti, who is now 60-year-old is watching your intake of calcium is consumed routine and stay active. "Bone health is very important, especially related to the physical freedom to move," said Retno Maruti, who became ambassador to osteoporosis Indonesia International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) since 2003. In Indonesia, many people who are aged dusk now unable to move even on the move a lot . In fact there is already bent, carrying a stick or just to sit in a wheelchair because of osteoporosis suffered. As a result, due to osteoporosis, this is what their physical suffered. In fact raise awareness Retno Maruti to maintain your diet and lifestyle. He was trying to eat healthy foods, including milk according to their needs, and still teaches at the Jakarta Arts Institute (IKJ) and continue to practice dance. "I was exhausted, one move, thus making the muscles sore, that I have ever experienced. But I do not memforsir myself and always or prepare the muscles warmed up before the dance, "Maruti said. Retno aware how dangerous osteoporosis and the importance of healthy living to fight osteoporosis. Therefore, he added, "We all need to eat dairy, healthy foods, and exercise regularly. Most important is to regulate the balance of life." Preceded osteoponiaSebelum osteoporosis occurs, the patient first experienced osteoponia, which is a condition of loss of bone mass due to various circumstances. The results of Research and Development Center for Nutrition and Food Ministry of Health in cooperation with PT Fonterra Brands Indonesia (2005) found that the prevalence osteoponia reached 41.8 percent and 10.3 percent had osteoporosis. That is, two out of five residents have a risk osteoporosis. The research in Indonesia was conducted in several regions in Indonesia, North Sumatra, Aceh, West Sumatra, Riau, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, the Pacific Islands, Bengkulu, Lampung, Jakarta Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua. The study involved a sample of up to 65,727 people (22,799 men and 42,928 women). Method of data collection is by examination of bone mass density, the parameters to measure bone density, and is performed by using a "Sahara Clinical Bone Sonometer". From the research data obtained that the prevalence of osteoporosis at the age of less than 55 years was higher in men, but after the age of 55 years, it was a higher prevalence of osteoporosis in women. Even at the age of two times the prevalence in women greater than men laki.Hal is probably due to a lifestyle that inhibits the absorption of calcium, such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Meanwhile, the increase in women over 55 years is most likely due to the hormone estrogen that has been dropped as menopause. According to Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health Department, I Nyoman Kandun, there is a risk factor that can not be modified, namely age (the elderly population increases Indonesia 9.77 to 11.34 percent per year, the year 2005 reached 18.4 million people), gender, genetics, and race. Risk factors that can not be modified is immobility, lean posture, smoking, alcohol, carbonate drinks, caffeine, low nutrient intake, less exposure to sunlight, use of drugs in a long time (corticosteroids, sitostatika, anticonvulsants, anticoagulants / heparin, warfarin) , and good environtment. When World Osteoporosis Day event in Dubai, October 21, 2007, Chief Executive Officer Daniel Navid IOF declared, osteoporosis requires serious attention from governments in all countries, including Indonesia. Communities should be educated on the importance of nutrition, there must also be access to treatment for the people. "If you do not pay attention to the dangers of osteoporosis, the government will spend more to address its impact. Therefore, it is better to prevent osteoporosis," said Daniel Navid. According to Daniel Navid, if the spine has osteoporosis and do not get treatment, the person will become physically weak. Psychologically they do not lose hope and feel berguna.Pradeep Pant, Regional Managing Director of Fonterra, to the fact that one in three women and one in five men over 50 years in the world affected by osteoporosis. "There are three points that now we have to do, namely to make the government care about the dangers of osteoporosis; make people care about osteoporosis, and at once recognize the dangers of osteoporosis," said Pradeep Pant. Now, if we have been concerned about bone health, you should start taking calcium regularly. The sad thing is the fact that Indonesian society is still very low calcium: 254 mg per day. In fact, according to international standards, calcium should be consumed by adults is 1000-1200 mg/day. Beside of milk, calcium can be obtained from the daily diet such as cheese, yoghurt, dried anchovies, rebon, fresh anchovies, sardine cans, leaves papaya, spinach, mustard greens, broccoli, beans, soy milk, tempeh and tofu, and cereals such as jali and havermut. If cost or impact of osteoporosis treatments were expensive, why do not we start drinking more calcium that cost nothing and are all around we? Let's enjoy their old age without osteoporosis. Rosella ... * do not forget who is rich in calcium may help fight osteoporosis

Diabetes - Know the Common Symptoms and Signs

If you feel tired all the time, if you're losing weight without any effort, if you feel extremely thirsty, chances are there that you're a diabetic patient. It's a condition when excess glucose is found in the blood and the body cells don't get enough glucose to perform their functions.

Diabetes can basically be of 2 types. In Type 1 diabetes, the insulin producing cells get destroyed and lack of insulin results in high glucose level. In Type 2 diabetes, the cells become defiant to insulin. In both the cases, the cells don't get enough glucose which results in the health condition known as diabetes.

You must be wondering how you will know whether you're diabetic or not. Well, keep on reading this article it will help you to understand that as a few symptoms of diabetes are discussed below.

Frequent Urination: This is probably the most common signs of diabetes. Do you feel you are paying more visits to the bathroom than you should do? If you urinate all day long, chances are high that you are a diabetic patient. Kidneys are unable to filter back glucose to the blood when insulin is ineffective or nonexistent. Kidneys try to extract more water from blood for diluting glucose. As a result, urination becomes much more frequent than before.

Extreme Thirst: Do you feel that you are thirsty all the time no matter how much water you drink? If you drink more water than usual, it can be considered to be a sign of diabetes. When your body pulls extra water from blood, it is obvious that you will feel thirsty. If frequent urination and thirst go hand in hand, then you are suffering from diabetes for sure.

Losing Weight: Are you losing weight without any effort? You are not doing rigorous exercise and you are not even on a strict diet. Still you are losing weight. It may happen because you are diabetic. When an autoimmune response makes your body attach the cells that produce insulin, your body looks for energy source. Your body starts breaking down fat and muscle tissues for getting energy. As a result, you tend to shed or lose weight.

Extreme fatigue and weakness: When glucose flows into the blood flow rather than entering the cells, it is obvious that the body cells starve for energy. It is the cells that produce energy that our body needs to work. But when the cells don't get energy source, you feel weak and fatigued.

Neuropathy: It is another common symptom of diabetes. The nervous system gets damaged due to high glucose level in the blood. As a result you may feel numbness in your hands, legs as well as feet.

If you notice any of the above mentioned signs, chances are high that you are a diabetic patient and you should see a doctor immediately.

If you or someone you know and love is suffering from diabetes, Excess Weight, IBS, or High Cholesterol, you owe it to yourself to know about the sign and symptoms and let them know. Help promote better health.

ROSELLE Can Cure Diabetes

People with diabetes should avoid foods that are made standard flour such as bread and noodles for running fast, and you should eat when breaking the fast in small amounts but more frequently. According to nutrition experts Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB), Prof Dr H Hardinsyah MS, type of food consumed by people with diabetes are essentially no different at the time of fasting or not fasting. Only, eat only in small quantities and more frequently.
Foods made standard starchy foods should be avoided because it is more rapidly converted into glucose (blood sugar). In contrast, fibrous foods such as vegetables and fruits should be reproduced as fiber foods more slowly converted into glucose. With the release is slow, then the blood sugar levels will be more stable.
In many cases, people with certain diseases such as ulcers, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes continue to perform fast healing benefit and blessings of fasting. In ulcer patients, for example, during fasting, because of reduced feeding activity, the organ that secretes enzymes work in the stomach could be a moment to rest and the opportunity was used to regenerate the organ cells.
However, for people with ulcers should avoid foods made standard flour, sweet foods and meat that accelerate spending stomach acid. When fasting and decreased cardiac activity to about half. About half the blood used for the workings of the brain, muscle and kidney, so the greater the opportunity to rid itself of toxins the body's metabolism.
Various factors that cause increased heart rate and blood pressure can be controlled with a good fast, because fasting will occur emotional control, balance, rest, and arranging the food and drink. The results of the fasting and blood pressure showed a fasting blood pressure is relatively constant at normal values. For patients with hypertension are advised to avoid foods preserved in tin cans, food flavoring or too salty, and the emphasis on eating vegetables.
But can be reduced by consuming red tea, which is based on research to reduce blood sugar levels of diabetics. Launched in, Rosella efficacy has been recognized in India, Africa and Mexico Test Farmaloginya Senegal, they recommend a powder or tea Rosella / Calyx osella beneficial to lower blood pressure and help lower blood sugar levels for diabetics. Mechanism of action (the active compound helps the blood circulation by reducing the degree of fiskositas viscosity) of blood, so the heart pumps blood was getting lighter and automatic pressure (blood) is low. All was not separated from the role of organic acids and flafonoid olisakarida contained therein.
Meanwhile, Maureen Williams, ND, a naturopathic physician from Bastyr University in Seattle, United States, has conducted a study of 70 people with the disease of mild to moderate hypertension who are in healthy condition and not doing any treatment since a month before the study were tested. At random, some people were asked to consume as much as one-half tea Rosella liter before breakfast every day. Some were taking 25 mg of antihypertensive medications. After four weeks, diastolic blood pressure was reduced by ten points to 79% of people who consume tea Rosella and 84% in people who take antihypertensive medications. Has not been reported serious side effects from taking apart the petals Rosella palpitations.